When I tried to compile my own Android ROM, I got the following error:

CHK     include/linux/version.h
target Executable: skia_gm (/media/ssd/buildout//target/product/i9100/obj/EXECUTABLES/skia_gm_intermediates/LINKED/skia_gm)
target Executable: skia_test (/media/ssd/buildout//target/product/i9100/obj/EXECUTABLES/skia_test_intermediates/LINKED/skia_test)
target Executable: test-opengl-configdump (/media/ssd/buildout//target/product/i9100/obj/EXECUTABLES/test-opengl-configdump_intermediates/LINKED/test-opengl-configdump)
CC      scripts/mod/empty.o
/bin/sh: 1: /home/ted/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-gcc: not found
make[4]: *** [scripts/mod/empty.o] Error 127
make[3]: *** [scripts/mod] Error 2
make[2]: *** [scripts] Error 2
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

The problem was that the arm toolchain wasn’t installed. After installing the toolchain compiling succeeded.

Installing the toolchain can be done with the following command:
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilt

After that, run the following command to add the toolchain to the PATH variable:
export PATH=$(pwd)/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin:$PATH

Compiling should now succeed without the previous error.

I’ve found this information on http://source.android.com/source/building-kernels.html, a very helpful information source for Android development.

I’ve purchased a Windows 8 upgrade for my Windows 7 machine. While upgrading I ran into a problem.

The upgrade came to 100%, and then said “Your computer will reboot in a few moments”. After a few minutes it came up with a general error “Windows 8 Setup could not complete” and then it closed. My computer didn’t reboot, and Windows 7 just kept on running.

After removing some applications like my virus scanner (NOD32) and some other applications i tried again. After about an hour I got exactly the same error.

Then I found the following error:
ConX::Setup::Media::CWorkerProc::SetupThreadProc: An error occurred while servicing the boot files from [C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Windows\BOOT]; status = [0x80070015][gle=0x00000015]

After a lot of searching I’ve found the following solution:
Add a drive letter to the 100MB system partition which resides at the beginning of your harddisk. I assigned the letter S.

After I did this, the setup continued where it previously stopped with an error, and Windows 8 was installed like it should.

When Windows 8 was completely installed, I removed the drive letter from the partition. After this, Windows 8 was running flawlessly.

tweetdeck-02-676x535I’ve recently upgraded my Windows 7 installation to Windows 8. Unfortunately Tweetdeck wouldn’t connect to my account anymore and showed the not so useful error “Unable to connect”.

After a lot of searching I’ve found a simple and unlogical solution:

  1. Start Internet Explorer
  2. Navigate to https://api.tweetdeck.com
  3. Navigate to https://twitter.com
  4. Close Internet Explorer
  5. Start Tweetdeck
  6. Log in to your account

Now Tweetdeck works like it should, and profile images should appear again.

For Moodle development I occasionally clone a production environment to a temporary test location. This way I know for certain that my custom code works in the environment it should work in.

The downside of this approach is that notifications are still mailed to users. So after a bit of searching in the Moodle docs I have found no solution. So I went digging in the code, and found a configuration option that prevents the Moodle installation to send emails completely. All you have to do is put the following setting in your config.php.
$CFG->noemailever = true;

Tip: A lot of settings are also described in the config-dist.php file in the root folder of your Moodle installation.